The RCA works to create better cycling infrastructure and a stronger voice for cyclists in Rochester, NY.

For information on getting involved, visit

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Active Transportation attitudes in Rochester, NY

There is a transformation occurring on active transportation (mostly walking and bicycling) attitudes in the Rochester, NY region, but we’re still waiting for the tipping point.  The tipping point will occur when both vehicle drivers and active transportation folks actually share the road, and obtain ‘complete streets’:

“Instituting a complete streets policy ensures that transportation planners and engineers consistently design and operate the entire roadway with all users in mind - including bicyclists, public transportation vehicles and riders, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.” Complete Streets

Many in our region want active transportation to happen:

Riding into the future: Bicycle master plans encourage two-wheeled travel around Rochester “The city wants to make it easier for people … to hop on a bike rather than in a car. It has begun implementing its Bicycle Master Plan, as much a mindset as it is a blueprint for creating a bicycle-friendly community. (June 23, 2011) Democrat and Chronicle

I believe, as chair of the Rochester Regional Group of the Sierra Club’s Transportation Committee, that we here in Rochester can pass the tipping point and have active transportation become a major component of our transportation options.  You can get a whiff of that movement from this report:

Bikes in High Demand this Summer” R Community Bikes' volunteers are having trouble keeping up with an increase in demand for bikes. The non-profit is on track to give away 100 more bikes than last year. The group gave away 1,300 bikes in 2009, 2,400 in 2010 and they're still getting inundated.” (June 2011) RochesterHomePage

We have an incredible amount of trails that help close the distance between streets and destinations, making it easier and safer to walk and bike to important destinations.  We have bicycle groups, enthusiasts, universities, public health departments, and transportation authorities who all want to make our citizens healthier and reduce the negative effects of our present transportation system.   A major government report emphasizes the importance of this matter:

“… a factor in rising obesity rates is a sedentary lifestyle and automobile dependence; 60 percent of Americans do not meet minimum daily exercise requirements. Making cities more walkable and bikeable would thus have multiple benefits: improved personal fitness and weight loss; U.S. Global Change Research Program 98 Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States reduced local air pollution and associated respiratory illness; and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.”  (Global Climate Change Impacts in the US (2009) page 97).

However, no amount of enforcement, education, and engineering can move us beyond the tipping point if the public, in and out of their cars, doesn’t change its attitudes.  What are some of the attitudes blocking our way to the tipping point?

·         Many environmentalists who do not ride bicycles themselves fail to grasp the profound implications of our local transportation, which accounts for the release of 27% of greenhouse gases, and thus fail to join the movement for active transportation.  Moving a large component of those who now drive their gas guzzlers for short distances to active transportation alternatives would accomplish a sizeable quotient of their goals—combating Climate Change in our region, improving our air quality, and making us healthier. 

·         Our media reports on the occasional collisions involving walkers and bicyclists, but won’t take a moment from their agenda to remind the public that bicyclists have a legal right to be on the roads—and how to do that safely.  Imagine the change in attitudes that would occur if mainstream media put out 30-second reminders each day that our streets, which all of us pay for, can be navigated safely if we all followed the rules.  Believe me, there are organizations that will help the media find things to fill those 30-second spots. 

·         Bicyclist should be more aware of their profile on and off our streets.  When a bicyclist fails to understand the rules of the road, they frustrate and annoy drivers by suddenly appearing in places drivers do not expect.  Speeding down the sidewalk behind pedestrians who cannot possibly hear their silent machines often startles those who would otherwise love to share their space.  The bicycle community should see the big picture, that Climate Change is really occurring, and their passion should be embraced as a major solution to it.

·         Drivers must respect the right and the vulnerability of those not (at the moment) in their vehicles.  Our vehicles, which are polluting our atmosphere, are not only costing us a sustainable future, they are absorbing much of our earnings— car costs, taxes for road and bridge repair and snowplowing, insurance, car repairs, inspections—you name it.  Add on the distractions we enjoy while driving (radios, texting, cell phones, GPS’s, and that coffee we’re drinking) to a negative attitude towards someone on a bike or walking, and it makes for an unsettling environment. 

Last weekend, while biking along the canal, I got talking to a couple who have been bicycling across the country for seven months about their experiences (Nomads — Benson and Ashleigh's Bicycling Adventure).  Some communities, they said, were very bicycle-friendly and some that purported to be friendly were not so much.  Attitudes of drivers in communities they passed through made a big difference in the safety and quality of their travels.  Here’s one of their ideas about improving community attitudes towards bicycling:  in some communities, the bicycling community takes on the responsibility of policing themselves by reminding each other to obey the traffic signals.  How close are we to that?

Here’s why there’s so much hope about our region’s commitment to active transportation.  Recently, there was a major conference on how to make our community a better place to ride and walk: The Greater Rochester Active Transportation Symposium, check it out: Rochester Cycling Alliance: Active Transportation Symposium: 

Walk, Bike, Smile, Thrive: a report on the first Greater Rochester Active Transportation Symposium. By Jon Schull, Ph.D. Interim Director, RIT Center for Student Innovation, and  Scott MacRae, M.D. Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Flaum Eye Institute, University of Rochester.  Walking and biking is good for your health, good for your state of mind, and good for Rochester. And it’s about to get better. more...

Our community leaders, our educators, our universities, our public health officials, our governmental officials, and even our grant writers want us to get over the tipping point and become as bicycle-friendly as the platinum winners of the League of American Bicyclists * Bicycle Friendly America.  We need to remember that this push to increase bicycles use is not limited to Rochester, as many communities have successfully taken on their vehicle dominated culture and achieved a synergy of safe and healthy motion in their communities.

How do we get beyond the tipping point, where a majority changes their attitudes?  Here are some of my recommendations:

·         We go into neighborhoods and talk about bicycle boulevards, which are now in the City of Rochester’s Bicycle Master Plan.

·         We educate continually about riding safely in our streets and obeying the rules.

·         We remind bicyclists, pedestrians, and vehicle drivers that the existing rules can keep us safe if we take a moment to observe them.

·         Report on those who are not obeying our laws, thus increasing enforcement’s awareness of specific issues.  A cell phone and a license plate number can deliver a reckless driver a powerful message.

·         Encourage our communities, via neighborhood associations, to help ensure that they have an active transportation network, which will probably increase the value of their homes.

·         Remind bicyclists how quiet and fast they are, so oftentimes their movements startle pedestrians and vehicle owners.  Get the proper lighting, know the turn signals, wear a helmet, and obey the rules of the road.  If you look and act as if you know how to bicycle through our streets, drivers will be more likely to respect you.

Sure, few of us would actually give up our vehicles and just walk and bicycle in the Rochester area—though some do.  But I leave you with this thought: for all that elegant insularity that our cars give us, we are paying a very high environmental, health, and economic price.  We can do something about that; we could be changing our attitudes and moving towards a planet that will be sustainable.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

D&C Bike Article Thursday & Complete Streets Legislation Approved in Both NY Houses

The legislation is expected to be signed by Governor Coumo.

On another note, there will be a D&C article on bike commuting that will run this Thursday. Patty Singer from the D&C interviewed Erik Frisch, Bill Collins and others for the article. Check it out.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Happiest Cities are Biking Cities

National Geography sponsored author Dan Buettner recently studied the happiest communities worldwide and profiled several of them in his book "Trive". He looked at them with regard to an extensive study of economics, sociology and individual interviews with experts in the field as well as residents. He found that two of the four cities he profiled were very strong bicycling and walking communities. What cities did he find were the happiest? Copenhagen, despite their weather and long winters, and St. Luis Obispo. St. Luis Obispo has a strong culture of individual entrepreneurialism, and civic involvement. The were the first city in the US to ban smoking, and also banned food drive throughs, watch out Dunkin Donuts!

In the final section of the book he makes recommendations on how to make a happy community. Walking and biking trails and lanes are important parts of a happy healthy community. It is interesting reading and Check out his book "Thrive" for some insight on tips for creating more happiness in your life.
A brief article on St. Luis Obispo is noted below: Scott

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rochester Transportation meeting gets national attention, and Jon gets his picture taken!

The meeting was also mentioned with an entry in "Streetsblog", the national grassroots transpo blog:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mayoral Candidates to Discuss Rochester’s Future

Rochester's race for Mayor is on!

While Rochester searches for its next mayor to take office and begin the arduous task of planning the City’s future, Reconnect Rochester is taking the issues to the candidates and the candidates to the people.

Mayoral Candidates Discuss Rochester's Future

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 7:00pm

1000 University Ave. Rochester

Gleason Works Auditorium

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rochester Bike Week 2011 is coming soon!

If you are interested in participating, our next scheduled Volunteer meeting is at RIT's Innovation Center (Google Map Directions) on Sunday, February 20th from 4pm - 5pm. Please come to this meeting with a list of all the local bike shops, bike clubs, and local Rochester businesses you have connections with or are willing to reach out to. FYI: Your connections/list will be the foundation for our outreach campaign.

We look forward to seeing you at the next volunteer meeting!

RCA Bike Week 2011, Director

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Congressional Field Hearing in Rochester on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Rep. John Mica, Chairman of the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will hold a Field Hearing in Rochester on February 18, 2011 regarding reauthorization of The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient ransportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), enacted August 10, 2005. SAFETEA-LU authorized $286.4 billion for Federal surface transportation programs for highways, transit, and bicycles and pedestrians for the 5-year period, 2005-2009. The latest continuing resolution for extending funding will expire on March 3, 2011.

Transportation Equity Town Hall

Presentation and Roundtable with members of:
Tri-State Transportation Campaign
Empire State Future
WE ACT for Environmental Justice
February 17th, 2011
Rochester Central Libraryexternal link
Kate Gleason Auditorium
115 South Avenue
6-8 PM
(RSVP to the Facebook Eventexternal link and tell a friend!)

U.S. House Transportation & Infrastructure
Field Hearing in Rochester

Chairman Rep. John Mica (R-FL) & members:
Tom Reed (R-NY)
Richard Hanna (R-NY)
February 18th, 2011
Greater Rochester International Airportexternal link
(RSVP to the Facebook Eventexternal link and tell a friend!)

For Information & RSVP:
Ya-Ting Liu
Tri-State Transportation Campaign
(212) 268-7474

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

R Community Bikes needs Bicycle Donations

R Community Bikes Inc. (RCB) is a 501c3 charitable organization which provides refurbished bicycles to needy children and adults in our community.

This service is provided free of charge but RCB depends on the generosity of individuals who donate bikes.

If you have an old bike in your garage or basement please consider donating it to RCB.

Last year RCB provided 2,474 bikes to our brothers and sisters of Rochester.

For R Community Bikes to continue this ministry, more bikes are needed.

Visit, email to or call 865-9872 for more information.

Thank you.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011 Rochester Bike Week Volunteer Meeting

Rochester Cycling Alliance Advocates...

If you missed the volunteer meeting last Sunday you still have an opportunity to find-out more and participate in 2011. The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 7th at 7pm - LOCATION: RIT Center for Student Innovation RM: 1100.

RIT Center for Student Innovation.

Google Map Directions available at:,-77.679884&spn=0.008259,0.022724&z=16&iwloc=00046c652a700dba32e55

In line with our objectives for the 2011 Bike Week our volunteer needs will follow three main tracks:

Meeting details below.

Bike Week 2011 planning is upon us once again! As the Rochester Bicycle Master Plan Project ( takes shape, the RCA is looking to grow Bike Week 2011 and build more community partners in an effort to put Rochester on the bicycle friendly map. We are currently recruiting volunteers for the following positions:

1. Bike Shop / Bike Club Ambassador (4 volunteers needed)

· (Duties) To make contact with all local bike shops and bike clubs to solicit the following: donations/sponsorships, ride and event support for Bike Week, and to secure distribution sites for Bike Week flyers.

2. Community Relations Ambassador (4 volunteers needed)

· (Duties) To identify and contact potential community and business partners that can benefit from helping Bike Week grow in their area. For example, Neighborhood Associations (NA) may be a good partner, due to their political influence and ability to disseminate information to their NA members. Once relationships are established we need to solicit the following: donations/sponsorships, ride and event support for Bike Week, and to secure distribution sites for Bike Week flyers.

3. Ride Leaders / Support (6 volunteers needed)

· (Duties) To lead and or support bicycle rides at their planned times. Make sure all participants are safe and accounted for. Leaders and support will also be responsible for maintaining an accurate sign-in sheet used for tracking and recording the number of participants on each ride, while also documenting the ride through photographs.


Build Relationships

The Rochester Cycling Alliance is just that…an alliance of cyclists in Rochester. However, we cannot have a very strong alliance if we are not actively seeking and building support from the community of cyclists that live and work in Rochester. As volunteers connect with shops, clubs, businesses, and communities we want to inform our target communities about the RCA, Bike Week, and the Rochester Bicycle Master Plan Project, while providing multiple levels of involvement. The three volunteer positions listed above are very public positions and require volunteers that can leverage established relationships with our targeted communities or have the ability to develop the necessary relationships.

Secure Involvement, Donations and Sponsorships

Ambassadors will be supplied with our 2011 Bike Week Donation/Sponsorship letter to deliver to each potential bike week partner. The letter will detail how shops, clubs, businesses, and communities can participate at various levels and even financially or through in-kind donations (time or product). The letter should be delivered in person, rather than mailed, in order to help establish a face-to-face relationship with the potential partner. Our goal is not to make money with this effort, but to solicit involvement and funds to help cover the 2011 Bike Week event expenses. As the RCA develops into a 501c3 (non-profit entity) this year, we will be able to receive and appropriate tax deductible donations from contributing partners.

We look forward to seeing you at the Volunteers meeting! Please feel free to email me with any questions.


Jason Hammel

RCA Bike Week 2011, Director

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bike Week 2011 Volunteer Meeting

It may only be January, but the Rochester Cycling Alliance is already thinking ahead to Bike Week 2011, May 20-27. We want to build on the successes of last year's Bike Week by expanding the event and bringing in more community partners to get the message out that bikes belong on Rochester's streets.

But we can't do it alone! We have several volunteer positions that need to be filled to make sure that Bike Week 2011 is a success. We're holding a volunteer meeting this Sunday at 7 pm for anyone interested in helping out. Join us at the RIT Center for Student Innovation (map) to find out how you can help.

In line with our objectives for the 2011 Bike Week our volunteer needs will follow three main tracks: