The RCA works to create better cycling infrastructure and a stronger voice for cyclists in Rochester, NY.

For information on getting involved, visit

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011 Rochester Bike Week Volunteer Meeting

Rochester Cycling Alliance Advocates...

If you missed the volunteer meeting last Sunday you still have an opportunity to find-out more and participate in 2011. The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 7th at 7pm - LOCATION: RIT Center for Student Innovation RM: 1100.

RIT Center for Student Innovation.

Google Map Directions available at:,-77.679884&spn=0.008259,0.022724&z=16&iwloc=00046c652a700dba32e55

In line with our objectives for the 2011 Bike Week our volunteer needs will follow three main tracks:

Meeting details below.

Bike Week 2011 planning is upon us once again! As the Rochester Bicycle Master Plan Project ( takes shape, the RCA is looking to grow Bike Week 2011 and build more community partners in an effort to put Rochester on the bicycle friendly map. We are currently recruiting volunteers for the following positions:

1. Bike Shop / Bike Club Ambassador (4 volunteers needed)

· (Duties) To make contact with all local bike shops and bike clubs to solicit the following: donations/sponsorships, ride and event support for Bike Week, and to secure distribution sites for Bike Week flyers.

2. Community Relations Ambassador (4 volunteers needed)

· (Duties) To identify and contact potential community and business partners that can benefit from helping Bike Week grow in their area. For example, Neighborhood Associations (NA) may be a good partner, due to their political influence and ability to disseminate information to their NA members. Once relationships are established we need to solicit the following: donations/sponsorships, ride and event support for Bike Week, and to secure distribution sites for Bike Week flyers.

3. Ride Leaders / Support (6 volunteers needed)

· (Duties) To lead and or support bicycle rides at their planned times. Make sure all participants are safe and accounted for. Leaders and support will also be responsible for maintaining an accurate sign-in sheet used for tracking and recording the number of participants on each ride, while also documenting the ride through photographs.


Build Relationships

The Rochester Cycling Alliance is just that…an alliance of cyclists in Rochester. However, we cannot have a very strong alliance if we are not actively seeking and building support from the community of cyclists that live and work in Rochester. As volunteers connect with shops, clubs, businesses, and communities we want to inform our target communities about the RCA, Bike Week, and the Rochester Bicycle Master Plan Project, while providing multiple levels of involvement. The three volunteer positions listed above are very public positions and require volunteers that can leverage established relationships with our targeted communities or have the ability to develop the necessary relationships.

Secure Involvement, Donations and Sponsorships

Ambassadors will be supplied with our 2011 Bike Week Donation/Sponsorship letter to deliver to each potential bike week partner. The letter will detail how shops, clubs, businesses, and communities can participate at various levels and even financially or through in-kind donations (time or product). The letter should be delivered in person, rather than mailed, in order to help establish a face-to-face relationship with the potential partner. Our goal is not to make money with this effort, but to solicit involvement and funds to help cover the 2011 Bike Week event expenses. As the RCA develops into a 501c3 (non-profit entity) this year, we will be able to receive and appropriate tax deductible donations from contributing partners.

We look forward to seeing you at the Volunteers meeting! Please feel free to email me with any questions.


Jason Hammel

RCA Bike Week 2011, Director

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