The RCA works to create better cycling infrastructure and a stronger voice for cyclists in Rochester, NY.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Speaking Out - What Rochester Cyclists Have to Say


  1. Rochester, NY was listed in National Geographic Adventure (Oct. 2009, p. 25) as an "emerging" bike city with "few bike paths, big possibilities." The article was entitled "Wild, Wild Rides" by David Byrne. The article was written after traveling all over North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Rochester has what it takes to be a cycling city - we just need support!

  2. I support you guys! Speaking as someone who occasionally bikes to work, Rochester desperately needs some safer biking trails. Narrow roads, and heavy traffic would kill most desire to ditch the car.

  3. Thanks Gabe, We have regular meetings every other Sunday at Spot Coffee at 7pm. You should stop by.
